1 Peter 1:10-21
All scripture is God-breathed. I wish I believed that. I mean I would tell you that I do but I have to believe I would cherish it more if it were true.
Here in 1 Peter he tells the reader that these are not "cleverly invented" stories, but accounts from eyewitnesses. These men lived with Jesus for years and still believed he was God. If there were faults, they would have been revealed.
But there were none.
Jesus really was God. The stories in the Bible are historical. Not embellished. Not conjured up by men removed from the content, but men who watched Jesus do the things we read about.
That means the blind man really was healed. The lame man walked. Jesus actually put that guard's ear back on. He really was pierced for our transgressions.
Oh, and the Old Testament... Samson really killed all those men by himself with a donkey's jaw. Daniel really was saved from the Lions, and the brothers weren't burned in the furnace. Solomon really had everything, and Job really had everything taken away.
An the God that achieved all of that pulls me to himself?! Even now he draws me closer to his voice through scripture.
Out of begrudging submission I opened my Bible, but he showed me the truth of his power. How deep the Father's love for me, that he lead me out of a coldaesack life and into the gospel. May I press in to the Holy Scripture. May it cut me, and sharpen me. Praise Him for answering my prayer for a thirst for scripture.
He is God and the Bible is true and I am here.